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Egyptian style

Description of the Egyptian style in the interior:

EGYPTIAN STYLE IN THE INTERIOR is, first of all, the interior of the pharaohs and high priests, a feeling of wealth and luxury of an ancient civilization. The Egyptian interior style is dominated by sand, beige and golden tones. Egyptian interior style uses the colors of the surrounding world: sand, gold. Particular attention was paid to the rich blue, the color of the Nile, the main river of the Egyptians. Often blue was used in conjunction with green and terracotta.

Egyptian-style walls: In the Egyptian style, light, beige or all shades of yellow, usually plastered, sometimes laid out with rectangular slabs of sandstone, granite, marble; the borders under the ceiling are made in the form of lotus flowers, reed and papyrus stalks, palm leaves. The walls can be decorated with frescoes, pictograms, colored stripes, as well as bas-reliefs.

Egyptian-style ceiling: Egyptian style in the interior accepts a ceiling either in the same color scheme as the walls (darker or lighter), or painted in a bright color, for example, rich blue. You can decorate with golden stars or make it in the form of the sky.

Floor in Egyptian style: Ceramic, heated in our climatic conditions. You can also add cane mats or animal skins, bedspreads, curtains to add grace to the Egyptian style of the interior.

Egyptian Style Furniture: Made of natural wood, base color glossy black, although dark brown will also work. In the Egyptian style, ivory and gold decorative inserts are welcome. The Egyptian interior style includes furniture, preferably richly decorated with three-dimensional carvings in the form of mythical animals; simple geometric shapes, legs in the form of animal paws. 

Egyptian-style interior furniture items can be selected from modern stylized collections. Do not be afraid to use upholstered furniture, just remember that elements of this type should not prevail in the room. These are beds with a canopy, a chair-throne, low sofas, etc. The upholstery of upholstered furniture in the Egyptian style is usually the color of an unbleached linen, possibly with an ornament in the form of stripes or zigzags.

Egyptian-style decor items: The presence of niches, arches, podiums, smoothed corners and columns is great for an Egyptian-style interior. The house should be full of figurines and statues, ceramic vases and pots containing the culture of ancient Egypt. Other items also need to be styled in the Egyptian style. For example, a lamp in the form of a torch, curtains made of natural fabrics in a common color scheme, bedspreads with geometric ornaments along the edges, golden inserts or symbolic Egyptian images and other stylized items. 


Pro Tips:

1. If you have chosen the Egyptian interior style, remember that this is the interior of the pharaohs. It is unlikely that you will want to decorate it in the style of the huts of ancient Egyptian farmers and slaves. Therefore, show wealth and luxury in every detail.

2. Separately purchased framed papyrus, figurines of Horus and figurines of the pyramid will not be enough to convey style and mood. Every detail of the Egyptian interior style, decoration and furniture should be in harmony and take you to the era of the pharaohs.

3. When choosing symbolic figurines and papyri with inscriptions for your Egyptian interior style, ask the seller about their designation and secret meaning. The Egyptians loved the afterlife theme and often described it in interior items. This advice is more applicable to superstitious people. 

4. To strictly maintain the Egyptian style of the interior, do not purchase bedside tables and cabinets. Bedside tables can be easily replaced with small elegant tables, and cabinets with rectangular chests made of wood.

5. The Egyptian interior can be decorated in two versions. The first is the revival of the pharaoh's room. The second is the feeling of antiquity, i.e. a pharaoh once lived here. 

The options differ in colors, in the first - bright and saturated, in the second - dull with the effect of antiquity (faded walls, half-erased drawings, etc.). Both Egyptian styles are beautiful in their own way.

6. As a highlight of the interior in the Egyptian style, you can use shaded spaces with mysterious illumination of niches, columns, arches and podiums. 


Egyptian Style History:

The Egyptian style was formed and followed from the history of Egypt itself. The creation of the ancient Egyptian civilization dates back to the end of the 4th millennium BC. e. with the beginning of the power of the first pharaohs. Its development continued over the next three millennia.

At a time when the Stone Age still dominated Europe and America, ancient Egyptian architects built powerful structures along the river. Nile; mathematicians calculated dimensions and angles for the accuracy of buildings. Their work and accuracy can be appreciated today. The Pyramid of Giza is the only wonder of the world that has survived to this day.

Along with architects, sculptors, artisans and artists were also very skillful.

The sculptural bas-reliefs that have come down to us, people of gods with animal heads, are also used to emphasize the Egyptian style. Frescoes adorned the walls, and carpets and curtains completed the decoration. In ancient Egypt, the first form of a bed appeared, as well as a stool, the Egyptians were the first to think of attaching a back to it.

A special place in ancient Egypt was given to the afterlife. For the Egyptians, life on earth was considered only a transitional stage to the eternal afterlife, hence we see such a serious approach.

Ancient Egypt reached its peak during the New Kingdom, after which a gradual decline began. Modern Egyptians have little in common with the ancient peoples of Egypt. The reason for this is the long periods of seizure of Egyptian lands by other peoples, which had a great impact not only on culture, art and science, but also on the genetic background of the Egyptian peoples.

It's hard to imagine, but the ancient Egyptians were predominantly fair-haired, but shaved bald and wore black wigs.

After the formation of the New Kingdom, the decline of the empire followed. Ancient Egypt lost its territories.

After the defeat of the Egyptian fleet at Cape Promotions in 31 BC. e., the suicide of Cleopatra VII and the death of Mark Antony Egypt was turned into a Roman province (30 BC).

Despite the fall of Ancient Egypt, its culture is alive and revered today as an ancient artifact.

Empire and Art Deco are based on the principles of Egyptian art.


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