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Warm floor

About underfloor heating

In apartment buildings, only electrically heated floors can be used.

There is also a water version of floor heating, but it can only be implemented in an individual house, so we will pay all attention to electric floors. Of these, we can note such systems with different types of heating element:

  • heating mat;

  • heating cable;

  • infrared heating (special film).

It is about these options for the execution of a warm floor that reviews are usually shared. Therefore, it is best to describe in more detail the heating elements themselves, which determine the device of the warm floor.

Heating with heating cable


Regarding the warm floor and the use of a cable to heat it, we must immediately say that this is not an ordinary cable. The usual one is designed to pass electric current, and its loss and heating of the cable are an extremely undesirable phenomenon. While a special cable is used for heating, in which, when an electric current flows, it is the heating of the cable that occurs. And the magnitude of this heating is normalized per unit length.

Electric cable underfloor heating

Underfloor heating with such a heater is simple. The described cable is located in the volume of a special screed, performed on top of the base. When current flows through the cable, heat is released, which heats the screed and, accordingly, warms up the apartment.

When arranging such a warm floor, the disadvantages inherent in such a design must be taken into account in advance. These primarily include the need to manufacture a screed and, as a result, the need for repairs for its application.

Heating with heating mats


Such heating elements are called differently, but they do not change from this. In fact, this is a thin cable glued to a fiberglass mesh. For the device with the help of a warm floor, no additional screed is required. Usually mats are located under the floor covering. As the latter, ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware will be most suitable, and the heating element is located directly in the adhesive layer.

Underfloor heating from thermomats

Underfloor heating with infrared film


In this case, a special film serves as a heating element. Conductive elements are located inside the film, when current flows through it, infrared radiation is emitted. It heats the floor, air and surrounding objects (furniture, walls, etc.). Such a system is considered the most advanced and progressive, mounted directly under the floor covering.

Infrared film floor

About the underfloor heating system in general


Now, after a brief acquaintance with the various systems of underfloor heating and their features, we can try to assess in general what a warm floor is, the pros and cons of such space heating.

Usually underfloor heating, no matter what design they are, is used for two purposes:

  • As an auxiliary heating system in addition to an existing central heating system;

  • As the only heating system.

Perceived temperature

What is better to use for heating - underfloor heating or radiators.

Everyone decides for himself. But the usual practice involves, while maintaining the central heating system, to additionally install heated floors, and most often this is done in rooms where tiles or porcelain tiles are laid. It is no secret that the mentioned coating is cold in itself, and this disadvantage is often compensated by installing underfloor heating - in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the corridor.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that one of the main disadvantages of the traditional central heating system used in our apartments is weak floor heating. If you delve into the physics of the heating mechanism, then everything becomes clear and understandable. Warm air, heated by radiators, rises, then cools down and falls down.

Heating batteries are located at some distance from the floor, so cold air collects below, which often causes cold feet. In such a situation, the advantages of a warm floor become obvious - the heating of the room occurs throughout its volume, leaving no stagnant cold zones, and in addition, heat is supplied from the floor directly to the feet.

Comparison of different underfloor heating systems


Here it should be noted right away that comparing underfloor heating of various systems is simple and at the same time extremely difficult. The fact is that the use of floor heating is very diverse and in some cases the disadvantages of a warm floor inherent in the heating system can turn into an indisputable advantage during the implementation of the project.

So, the need for an additional screed can be considered a disadvantage of cable heating, although the available reviews of a warm field of this type indicate that this screed can be done using design techniques (lighting, color scheme, materials used)   beat in the form of a podium and get a peculiar and unique interior of the room.

Warm electric floors: types and methods of installation

At the same time, if we continue to consider various warm floors, the comparison will show that the cable floor, in comparison with the floor made using heating mats, consumes, under equal conditions, less power. This becomes especially apparent when such floors are used in conditions of high humidity or for heating a loggia. In the latter case, the power consumption can vary by almost a factor of two.

Thus, considering the warm floor, the pros and cons of using it for heating, the main disadvantage in the case of using such a heating system as an auxiliary one can be considered additional costs for electricity. True, modern control systems for the operation of a warm floor can reduce the total amount of consumption, which can be added to the additional advantages of a warm floor.
































About the features of infrared floors














Given that in warm floors using infrared radiation, heating occurs in a slightly different way, it is worth considering such floors separately. If from the flow of current in the floors using a cable it heats up itself and from it the floor,   then in the case of using an infrared film, everything happens differently.

The infrared rays emitted by the film heat not only the floor, but also, passing through its surface, heat the walls, furniture and directly the person himself. The efficiency of such an impact is higher than when using other heating systems.

Features of infrared radiation

However, such a warm floor, infrared, also has disadvantages, and they are associated precisely with infrared radiation. At the same time, when current flows through the cable heating element, there is practically no radiation. And although the space around us is literally permeated with a variety of types of electromagnetic radiation, many are simply afraid to create an additional source in the apartment.

Therefore, when deciding whether to choose an infrared or cable underfloor heating, many, for this reason, stop their attention on cable.

Whether these fears are justified is debatable. Supporters and opponents give a lot of arguments for and against, but such a discussion can be very long. The only argument that should be taken into account in such a situation will be obtaining from the relevant authorities (Ministry of Health, Consumer Protection Society, etc.) an opinion and permission to use such a floor. In this case, the question of what to choose,  warm floor film or cable, will receive confirmation at the level of authorized specialists.

About underfloor heating















It must be said right away that this issue often remains somewhat aside in the process of a general discussion of various underfloor heating systems. And when choosing which underfloor heating to buy, they simply forget about the underfloor heating control system. Although, according to experts, a properly configured and adjusted system can provide up to 30% savings in electricity consumption.

The fact is that the heating system operates in almost two modes - peak, or starting, and in the temperature maintenance mode. The first occurs at the initial startup of the system, when it warms up and enters the specified mode. In this case, consumption can be as high as possible. After the system has reached the set mode, it periodically turns off and, if necessary, turns on again for a short time, maintaining the steady temperature.

Electricity consumption chart for underfloor heating

With independent control of the heating operation, it is impossible to achieve the optimal combination of current consumption and obtaining the specified conditions. Only the control of heating elements according to special algorithms will save energy and achieve the desired result as soon as possible.

In many ways, the result of such a system will depend on the type of sensors used and their location. It must be understood that the sensor produces a kind of integrated data on the general situation in the room, measuring the temperature only at a single point. And if at the control point where the sensor is located, the temperature is 18°C, and the floor temperature is 5°C higher than the air temperature, this does not mean that comfortable conditions have been created for a person sitting in a chair against the wall.

Correct location of the temperature sensor

Heating and maintaining the temperature should be carried out according to a special algorithm, thanks to which the control of the air temperature at one point will be an integral assessment of the entire situation in the room. And maintaining the set temperature at this point will provide the desired temperature everywhere. And this can only be done using software that takes into account, for example, the temperature distribution profile over the volume. In any case, automated control systems for underfloor heating should be considered an integral part of them.


Warm floors, despite their external simplicity, are quite complex, their use requires a careful and competent approach when used as heating systems.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account many factors related to the conditions of a particular room, the type of heated floors used, and the possibilities of using electricity. However, the available reviews in their    most indicate that all such tasks are solvable, and warm floors help to get the appropriate environment in the apartment comfort level requirements.

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