TIN: 7703437830 | Notification of Rospotrebnadzor No.В.036195.06.20 | No. 31787 in the Register "Tourist Assistance" |No. MT100308 in the Register of State Registration and Registration Service|No. 7703437830 in the register "Turprom"
VIP transfer as a gift or a discount of your choice!
Federal network of online travel agencies "EmpireTour.online"
(As part of the federal group companies "EMPIRE")
Free call
Daily from 7 am to 11 pm
Travel consultants
from all over the world online!
Last minute tours from all tour operators from any city
About Us
FSTA "EmpireTour.online" is part of the Federal Group of Companies "EMPERIA", which has been successfully operating in Russia since 2013 in 22 areas (servicing summits / forums / championships, escorting VIPs, renting a VIP - transport throughout Russia, VIP security, translators, guides, web studios, production studios, production centers, online stores, etc.)
FGC "IMPERIA" has established itself as a reliable partner at major international events (SCO and BRICS Summits, St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Security Council, small business forums of the SCO and BRICS countries, Roscosmos forum, 5th Russian-Kyrgyz forum, _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_1st Russian Forum on Heart Failure, 5th Festival of National Non-Olympic Sports, 6th Spartakiad of Russian Senior Citizens, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3c-138d5d5 -Roman wrestling, Rosneft festivals, etc.)
Among the clients of FGK "IMPERIA" are the embassies of South Africa / Brazil / India / China / Afghanistan / Uzbekistan / Indonesia, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and Kyrgyzstan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports of the Republic of Belarus, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Republic of Belarus, the Pension Fund of Russia, the Eurasian Economic commission, the Union of Pensioners of Russia, the Wrestling Federation and many others.
FGK "IMPERIA" also serves pop and television stars. Among the famous clients are Elena Letuchaya, Regina Todorenko (leading Orel and Reshka on the Pyatnitsa TV channel), TIMATI, Artem Kacher, Artik and Asti, Jah Khalib, Mc Doni (Black Star), Abraham Russo, the Paint group, the Picnic group , "Chicherina", Irakli Pirtskhalava, Stas Kostyushkin, Miguel (Dancing on TNT), Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev, Natalya Krasnova, Comedy Club residents, Comedy Battle winners (Mikhail Kukota and Igor Chekhov)_d04a07d8-9cd1- 3239-9149-20813d6c673b_, Stas Starovoitov, Nurlan Saburov, Alexey Shcherbakov, Slava Komissarenko, Ilya Sobolev, Ivan Abramov, Maxim Matveev, finalist of the show "Songs" on TNT (Khabib), Nadezhda Granovskaya (Via Gra), show "IMPROVISATION" on TNT (Arseny Popov, Dmitry Pozov, Sergey Matvienko and Anton Shastun), the show "Secret Millionaire" on the TV channel "Friday", the show "Bachelor" on TNT, Daria Klyukina, Sergey Gorobchenko, Andrey Merzlikin, Alexey Kravchenko, Academician R.S. . Akchurin (the first surgeon of the first President B.N. Yeltsin), Via Blue Bird, Little Big, Olga Kormukhina, Nazareth, Creedence, Star Factory producer Lina Arifullina and many others.
For the tourist destination FGK "IMPERIA" - FSTA "EmpireTour.online is connected a lot of the most modern services and an international team of Travel experts is carefully selected. For the convenience and safety of customers, everything representations work remotely (online) and completely officially!Now you can choose to help in choosing a tour of an expert who not only specializes in the direction you are interested in, but also visited the main resorts / hotels or even lives in this country!
We try very hard to keep all our customers and partners satisfied. We always try to create the best conditions for comfortable cooperation and constantly invite professionals to the team. Your opinion is very important to us, we will be glad to receive feedback and suggestions for improving the service!
The official scheme of work allows you to provide all the guarantees provided for by law!
1) Details of the central representative office:
Legal/actual address: 123112, Moscow, Presnenskaya embankment, 12, office 4402, p.1
(MIBC Moscow-City, Federation-West tower)
Tel. 8-800-222-07-17, WhatsApp 8-994-7777-007, e-mail: mail@empiretours.online
TIN 7703437830 / PSRN 5177746252426(Check on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia https://egrul.nalog.ru/index.html)
2) Registration number of the notification of Rospotrebnadzor:В.036195.06.20 dated 06.25.2020(Check in the register of Rospotrebnadzor http://notice.crc.ru/77#)
3) Registration in the Association "Association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism" TURPOMOSHCH "
Travel agency registry number 31787
(Check on the website of the Association "Turpomoshch" https://www.tourpom.ru/touragencies)
4) All-Russian General Register of Travel Agencies
Registry Founders
Publishing House "The subtleties of sales (https://tonkosti.ru/)
Legal agency "Persona grata (http://persona-grata.ru/)
Registration number of the travel agency МТ100308(Check in the registry https://reestr-ta.ru/)
5) Catalog of Russian travel agencies on the portal of the Turprom infogroup
The catalog was formed with the support of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) and the Alliance of Travel Agencies (ATA) and includes travel agencies with which tour operators have official contractual relations, as required by the Law on Tourism N132-FZ
Travel agency registry number 7703437830(Check in the registry https://www.tourprom.ru/agency/7703437830)
6) Official partner of the search engine "Turvizor"(https://tourvisor.ru/search.php)
7) All information about tour operators is open!
Customers can compare price on tour operator website and check booking status!
8) Payment only through the settlement account of a legal entity in accordance with 54-FZ with the obligatory issuance of a check(customers pay from any card through bank Internet acquiring, and not just transfer money)
Internet acquiring of Tinkoff bank, Sberbank PJSC, Tochka bank,
as well as payment services integrated with the online cash register: Robokassa, Appex, PayTravel
9) Direct official contracts with Tour Operators
(All financial guarantees of the Tour Operator are indicated in the contract with the tourist)
10) All information about the level of expertise of Travel consultants is open
(diplomas of education, certificates, awards, information about experience in tourism, specializations, resorts visited and place of residence)and published on our website.(https://www.empiretours.online/travel-experts)
11) Real customer reviews of FSTA "EmpireTour.online" on our website(https://www.empiretours.online/realnye-otzyvy)
Our advantages:
(beach, services, view from the window)
(VIP transfer as a gift or a discount of your choice)
(Professional selection of tours online)
(Official registration in accordance with Federal Law No. 54)
(Payment by any installment cards )