SERM (Company Reputation Management)
The Reputation Management service is in demand primarily by medium and large businesses, as well as by individuals (image management). The essence of the service lies in the formation of the "correct" issue for a number of branded ("Name", "LLC Name", "Name + reviews", etc.) search queries.
List and stages of work, deadlines for implementation
The first thing that needs to be done is to study the issue of the search queries of interest. After studying the TOP-10 results of Yandex and Google search results for a number of branded queries, the following stage-by-stage solution of the issue generation problem is carried out:
Compilation of the main monitoring objects (sites from the TOP-10 Yandex and Google search engines for a number of queries: "Name", "Company Name", "LLC Name", etc.).
Preparation of PR articles and additional materials that will be designed to replace negative reviews and information about the company in the issue.
Selection of optimal sites for placement of PR-materials (in various cases, from 5 to 8 pieces).
Placement of materials and their search engine optimization (to oust the negative from the issue).
Optimization of existing sites with neutral information about the company (on sites such as hh.ru, vk.com, etc.) and increasing their presence in the search results.
Further continuous monitoring of issuance of agreed requests to quickly identify the possible emergence of new negative reviews and unwanted information.
As a result of such systematic work, it is possible to completely or almost completely form the “pleasant” TOP-10 search engine results.
The terms of implementation of the first 5 stages will be about 3-5 months (first of all, this is due to the slow response of search engines to new PR articles and additional materials).
You can order reputation management services from our partners - the best companies in Russia according to Runet ratings (TOP-10 of the best Internet agencies in Russia)!!! You can get more detailed information by clicking on the links in the "Partners" section, as well as by calling 8-800-222-07-17.