Public offer for the sale of goods remotely
г. Москва _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3 194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _c c781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Revised by 04/15/2019_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136d.
This document has legal force in accordance with Art. 434 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and is equivalent to an agreement signed by the parties.
IMPERIA Limited Liability Company (hereinafter - Seller), acting on the basis of Alexander Pavlov, represented by General Director of the Articles of Association, expresses its intention to conclude an agreement for the sale of goods by remote means, the list and description of which are indicated on the website of the online store:_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb35cf58d_badhttps://www.empirestyle.pro (empirestyle.rf), with Buyers (individuals and legal entities, except for unreliable clients located in the federal database) under the terms of this offer.
1.1. The SELLER undertakes to transfer the property to the BUYER, and the BUYER undertakes to pay and accept the orders ordered in the online storewww.empirestyle.progoods (hereinafter GOODS).
2.1. Payment for the goods by the BUYER is Acceptance of this offer, that is, full and unconditional acceptance of all its conditions.
3.1. ПРОДАВЕЦ предоставляет ПОКУПАТЕЛЮ полную и достоверную информацию о Товаре, включая информацию об основных потребительских свойствах Товара, месте изготовления, а также публикует информацию о documents confirming compliance (declarations and certificates) in your online store.
3.2. В связи с разными техническими характеристиками мониторов оттенки цвета ТОВАРА могут отличаться от представленных на сайте.
4.1. Prices in the SELLER's online store are indicated in the currency of the BUYER's country per unit of GOODS.
4.2. The final price of the goods is calculated after the BUYER enters the promotional code (discount coupon) in the appropriate field when placing an order.
4.3. SELLER has the right to unilaterally change the price of any position of the Goods on the site. The new prices are valid only for new BUYERS. For the BUYER, the prices published on the website at the time of acceptance of this offer (at the time of payment for the goods) are valid.
5.1. The BUYER selects the product on the SELLER's website (or in the SELLER's mobile application), and having familiarized himself with the characteristics of the product and the conditions of purchase, places an order.
5.2. After that, operators Call-center of the SELLER contact the BUYER to confirm the application and send the BUYER a link to online payment using the ROBOKASSA payment service.
5.3. The BUYER makes a full payment for the order within 3 hours from the date of invoicing by the SELLER and receives a check by SMS or email specified when placing an order.
5.4. SELLER sends order to the transport company/courier service within 2-7 working days from the moment of payment
5.5. В случае отсутствия заказанных ПОКУПАТЕЛЕМ Товаров, ПРОДАВЕЦ вправе исключить указанный Товар из Заказа / аннулировать заказ, уведомив об этом ПОКУПАТЕЛЯ.
5.6. In case of cancellation Order, the cost of the canceled Goods shall be returned by the SELLER to the BUYER by the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad method by which the Goods were paid for
6.1. Delivery is carried out by a transport company at the discretion of the SELLER.
6.2. Delivery times can be from 7 to 20 working days or more, depending on the remoteness of the manufacturer or warehouse, as well as taking into account possible delays at customs.
6.3. Delivery of goods to the BUYER is carried out at the expense of the SELLER.
6.4. The BUYER's failure to appear or other necessary actions to accept the GOODS may be considered by the SELLER as the BUYER's refusal to perform the CONTRACT.
6.5. BUYER is fully responsible for the provision of incorrect information, resulting in the impossibility of the SELLER_cc781905-5cde-3194-8.bad5-136 to properly fulfill its obligations
7.1. Exchange and return is carried out on the basis of the General Rules governing the activities of online stores (remote trading ") established by Article 26.1. of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" within 7 days from the date of receipt of the goods, subject to following conditions:
Preservation of the original appearance of the goods and completeness.
The item must not be used.
All tags and labels must be retained on the product.
Preservation of consumer properties of the goods, no traces of damage during fitting.
It is obligatory to have documents confirming the fact that the BUYER purchased the goods from the SELLER (such a document can be an electronic cash receipt, waybill)
A completed return application
7.2. Apparel and knitwear, the normal use of which does not involve the presence of other clothing between them and the body, including swimwear, underwear, hosiery, etc., cannot be exchanged or returned. (in accordance with paragraph 5 of the List of non-food products of good quality that are not subject to return or exchange for similar goods of other sizes, shapes, dimensions, styles, colors or configurations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 55).
7.3. Return and exchange of underwear: in accordance with the Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of 19.01.1998, underwear (sewn and knitted underwear, hosiery) cannot be exchanged or returned.
7.4. Для возврата товара ПОКУПАТЕЛЬ связывается с ПРОДАВЦОМ, сообщает о своем решении, уточняет порядок действий и запрашивает бланк заявления на возврат._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
7.5. When returning goods of good quality, the BUYER sends the goods to the manufacturer at his own expense.
7.6. If the BUYER receives the goods of inadequate quality (manufacturing defect), the return is carried out at the expense of the SELLER.
7.7. Возврат стоимости оплаченного Товара (за исключением расходов ПРОДАВЦА связанных с доставкой) осуществляется на банковскую карту ПОКУПАТЕЛЯ в течение 10 рабочих дней с момента получения ПРОДАВЦОМ returned goods.
8.1. BUYER is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when placing an Order.
8.2. ПРОДАВЕЦ обязуется с момента заключения настоящего Договора обеспечить в полной мере все обязательства перед Покупателем в соответствии с_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_by the terms of this agreement and by the current legislation.
8.3. SELLER is not responsible for damage caused to the BUYER due to improper use of the goods purchased on the Internet.
8.4. The SELLER has the right to record telephone conversations with the BUYER.
8.5. The SELLER has the right to send to the BUYER advertising and informational messages via e-mail and sms with information about discounts, promotions, new arrivals, etc. The frequency of mailings is determined by the Seller independently, unilaterally.
8.6. The BUYER consents to the verification of information about him in the federal database of unreliable clients, as well as to the transfer of information about him to this database in case of violation of the terms of this agreement.
8.7. The BUYER undertakes:
- in case of violation of the terms of this agreement,
- in case of incorrect or disrespectful treatment of the SELLER and his representatives/Call-center operators/couriers/etc.
- in case of violation of confidentiality conditions
- in case of dissemination of false information about the company
- when committing any other actions damaging the business reputation of the SELLER
liquidate the damage caused and pay compensation to the SELLER in the amount of 300 000 rub.
9.1. All disputes arising from the performance of this agreement shall be resolved through negotiations.
9.2. If the dispute that has arisen between the parties cannot be resolved through negotiations, it is referred to the Moscow Arbitration Court.
10.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment of its acceptance (acceptance) and is recognized as valid until the end of the fulfillment by the Parties of obligations under this agreement.
10.2. BUYER accepts the Offer by paying for the Goods in accordance with clause 2.1. actual agreement.
10.3. The SELLER has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this agreement. Changes come into force from the moment they are published on the SELLER's website and are valid for new customers.
10.4. Early termination of this agreement may take place by agreement of the parties or on the grounds provided for by the civil legislation in force in the territory of the Russian Federation.
11.1. Any information relating to the conclusion and execution of this Agreement, including commercial activities, commercial and technical knowledge and solutions, the software used, which became known to the BUYER, is confidential and is not subject to disclosure to third parties.
11.2. The BUYER undertakes not to disclose by any means (to make available to any third parties, unless the third parties have the appropriate authority by virtue of a direct indication of the law) the confidential information of the SELLER, to which he received access when concluding this Agreement and in the course of fulfilling obligations arising from the Agreement.
11.3. The BUYER should ensure confidentiality on the part of his employees, or other persons involved by him in connection with the conclusion and execution of this Agreement, and is responsible for their confidentiality regarding the information received.
11.4. The confidentiality obligations of the Parties (clause 11.1. -11.3.) are fulfilled by the Parties within the term of this Agreement and within three years after its termination.
12.1. The customer agrees to the collection, storage, processing and transfer to third parties (payment services / providers / database operators / transport companies, etc., if such a need arises under the terms of this agreement) of their personal data (according to Federal Law No. 152).
Federal group of companies "IMPERIA"
Legal address: 123112, Moscow, Presnenskaya embankment, 12
Фактический адрес: 123112, г. Москва, Пресненская набережная, д. 12, _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ office 4402, item 1
(MIBC Moscow-City, Federation-West tower)
TIN: 7703437830 KPP: 770301001 OGRN: 5177746252426
R/C: 40702810901500017345 C/C: 30101810845250000999
Тел.: 8-800-222-07-17 WhatsApp: 8-994-7777 -007
E-mail: empirestyle.pro@mail.ru
Website: empirestyle.pro
General Director - Alexander Alexandrovich Pavlov