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Stray dogs in Yagodka
They shit right next to the area under the camera (5.06.2022, rear 4th street)
Police in snt
The cows could not enter the snt because the gates were closed
The police caught the thieves (it turned out Ruslan uch.162/1 climbed with friends)
The police caught the thieves (it turned out Ruslan uch.162/1 climbed with friends)
The police caught the thieves (it turned out Ruslan uch.162/1 climbed with friends)
The police caught the thieves (it turned out Ruslan uch.162/1 climbed with friends)
Stray dogs from the side of the forest
Stray dogs killed the watchman's cat (In total, more than 5 cats were killed)
Stray dogs from the side of the forest
Clogged filters in the lodge
Clogged filters in the lodge
Prevented a fire in the gatehouse (replaced melted wiring)
Prevented a fire in the gatehouse (replaced melted wiring)
(DO) Prevented the transformer from closing (the shield door did not close tightly and precipitation got inside)
(AFTER) Prevented the transformer from shorting out (the shield door now closes tightly and precipitation does not get inside)
Seeing off criminal elements from SNT
Thief in Yagodka (Victor)
Thief in Yagodka (Victor)
Thief Victor tried to enter Friendship
The thief Victor tried to infiltrate Friendship
Outsiders infiltrated Druzhba 11/27/2021
Outsiders infiltrated Druzhba 11/27/2021
Outsiders infiltrated Druzhba 11/27/2021
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