Help a homeless animal (recommendations)
Since the shelter does not have state funding and we ourselves are constantly looking for funds to feed the existing dogs (we have more than 300 of them !!!), we cannot accept more animals.
If you have found a homeless animal and want to help it find its owners, try using the following recommendations.
Here are some simple, standard guidelines for self-help:
1. If this animal lived with you (parents / children / friends) and it is healthy, adequate, sterilized, then you can:
1.1. Take a picture of the animal, try to take some high-quality clear shots, take a close-up of the animal in full growth.
1.2. Post a post about the animal on your VKontakte wall
Indicate the approximate age of the animal, color, gender, approximately the area where it is located.
Be sure to include your contact phone number.
1.3. Duplicate the post from your wall in the following animal protection groups:
http://vk.com/dobrotaufa - kindness
http://vk.com/poteryashki_ufa - lost
http://vk.com/joyforeva - Do Good
http://vk.com/pravo_na_zhizn_ufa - right to life
http://vk.com/ufa_gorodbezjestokosti - animal welfare
http://vk.com/lubimec_ufa - pet
http://vk.com/kotopec_ufa - catdog
http://vk.com/us_hvost - baleen-tailed
http://vk.com/club52385069 - Blagoveshchensk
/vk.com/clubarguszhiv - argus - post a link to a post in this thread http://vk.com/topic-24909489_26992584
http://vk.com/boodr - kind hands - post a link to a post in this thread http://vk.com/topic-42355320_29045024
1.4. Place an ad on free ad sites:
1.5 Print and paste announcements on information boards at entrances, at bus stops, in all veterinary clinics and pet stores in the city.
1.7. Waiting for a response from a potential owner. What questions to ask this potential owner, so as not to doom the animal to new torment - see below.
2. If you found an animal on the street, then you need to do the following:
2.1. Take him to the vet for a checkup. clinic, where the doctor will examine him for damage (if there is a suspicion), signs of infection, give recommendations on treatment for parasites, feeding, care and vaccination.
2.2. There you can also find out about sterilization / castration, whether the animal is ready now or you need to wait.
(neutered, non-breeding animal is MUCH easier to adopt)
2.3. Find him overexposure: either free - at your place / friends, or paid
2.4. Further, all points from 1.1. according to 1.7.
ATTENTION! Be sure to ask the potential new owner in detail. Try to make sure that the animal does not fall into the hands of dealers or be thrown out in a few days on the street !!!!
Take the phone from the new owner and a few days after you give the animal away, call and find out how he is doing.
Good luck! Success depends on your energy and efforts. Be active and the owner will definitely be found!
Taken from the Right to Life group. Thank you.